Wednesday, May 14, 2008


It's like a game of tag with the hospital. He went back yesterday because he couldn't hold any food down. He also could not get up from the kneeling position without help. When we got to the hospital I insisted that they keep him although I knew they would anyway. More dehydration and horrible migraines.

Between taking care of him and going back and forth to the hospital, I have been getting this house in somewhat decent shape. Scott has some relatives coming to visit and I needed to set up a bed for them to sleep in. I tore up the entire spare room and basement. I had to suck out (with a wet vac) gallons of water after the flood from all the rain too. I have to say it is finally taking shape but not near completed. Thank god I'm not a lazy man or nothing would be done. My body does ache though from all the lifting and up and down the stairs etc.

I am in better spiits. Not sure why but who cares. I've probably reached that plateau that says "complaining will do you no good" and my mind is doing it's best to think happy and good thougyts. That sounded so vanilla creme with cherries that I almost gagged!

I have much more to do and wanted to do a quick update. Still to come is the story when I was 15 and got caught smoking dope with my 12 year old sister outside the bowling alley. Hey, I didn't know any better...

Love, kisses, hugs and all that stuff.




Susan said...

Company? How many and how long are they staying?

Anonymous said...

What you wrote about being in better spirits reminded me of something that Susanna and I have been talking about recently. We saw Prince Caspian last weekend and at one point, Aslan says to Lucy, "We can never know what might have been. What will be, however, is a different matter!" Anyway, Susanna and I were discussing just today over lunch the futility of wondering how your life might have turned out differently because . . . well, it didn't. And, somehow, that works into your idea of not wasting time and energy complaining but instead just working with what you have (pardon my paraphrasing of your statements). To tie that into the Prince Caspian quotation, I guess what you got me thinking about is that we can very seldom know WHY things are, but how we react to things as they are and perhaps do our humble best to effect a change is a different matter. (Hope that's not too cherry vanilla for ya!)