Sunday, June 15, 2008

Me & The Girls

So Scott left for Utah yesterday to visit his family. It just me and the girls! I just hope he will be comfortable since there isn't a lot of room for an extra guest there. I know his Mom and Dad will make it as pleasant a stay as they can. They are both very caring.

I was very angry with people the other day. I watch wife swap and it seems people can't change any of their habits for one week without throwing a hissy fit. Men seem to be worse than women but both hate change. One week is not a lot to ask of someone. Heck, I changed a lot of my habits for 6 months while Scott was going through treatments. I had to imagine if it were ME, how would I like to be treated? Are people really so selfish they can't sacrifice for their family for one week? It's hard to imagine but they are out there. They better watch out for Karma when comes to bite them in the butt!

Today I am volunteering to man a booth at the pride festival for AGLA. There had better be shade! 12 noon to 3PM at the booth and then Michele and Betty are going to meet me to go around to the other booths. Should be fun!

I'm working on a big surprise for Scott when he gets home. It's not a party, so don't go there. Anyone who wants to help, drop me a line. I can't give the details since he will probably read this before he gets home.

I will be leaving here in about an hour so I have other things I need to attend to. With rehearsals for the show and my surprise for Scott and eBay, I won't have much time to blog. I promise I will get back into my life and more when things settle down. Hopefully within a week or less.

Peace & Love


kellyanddanielle said...

your so good to scott. did i tell you it was a blast being able to come see you both? well it was and thank you. love you.

Susan said...

Scott's in Utah,I think you should be able to get back on that biography hmm...........?