Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Yikes, I am having a bad day. Not mentally but physically. Although I do prefer feeling bad physically over mentally. Mental days are harder to deal with for me.

People have been telling me that what I write does not sound like me. No surprise since I rarely, if ever, discuss my feelings. I was pretty much raised that personal feelings are to be kept locked up and in your home only. I tend to keep them in my head safe and throw away the key. It is so much easier to put them down on paper than to verbally vomit them. It's easier to just think that people don't care if you are having a bad day so you just don't say anything. I am a typical man when it comes to feelings and how or when they need to be discussed.

Scott went to get his second round of chemo today while I was at work. He came home with a bigger bag of treatment and I hate having to see him have to carry it around everywhere he goes. You have to keep saying...just a few more months and all of this will be over. It will be so cool to say "He had cancer, but beat it."

I'm going to keep it short today since I am not well. Love to all,



Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself Clayton..We were all raised to keep everything inside and inside our homes.

Tomorrow is another day


Sharon Lynn said...


It is so true that it is "so much easier to put things down on paper than for me to verbally vomit them up". I was taught that you either talk it out at home or you keep it to yourself. I'm glad to know that someone else feels like I do. Just keep writing your blog, It's good for you and good for us to know how things are going.

God be with both of you. Yes, a physical illness day is better than a mental health day. I hope that you are feeling better by now.